This cut deep. I thought i was the only one whose mind worked like this! I too have a constant symphony of inner dialogues, and it's a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, the intricacy of inner dialogue helps me process and brainstorm, especially for writing. On the other hand, it can also cloud my mind with negativity that keeps multiplying. And similar with you, the original COVID isolation made it all the more intense.

Thank you for sharing such an honest description of this. You have no idea how helpful this is!

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Ruth Kapelus

Blissful ignorance maybe!

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Ruth Kapelus

From now on, I’m going to imagine more people with tumbleweeds bouncing through their heads.

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Ruth Kapelus

Everything on reddit is a lie. Except for when it's about MBFFL. Then it's 100% accurate.

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