May 4, 2023Liked by Ruth Kapelus

One of my college students tried to compliment me by saying, "I'd totally love to watch your TikTok videos!" I was like, I don't have any TikTok videos, I am literally here RIGHT NOW IN FRONT OF YOU, how about that??? :-)

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May 6, 2023Liked by Ruth Kapelus

As always, a thoughtful and thought inducing Musing. With texts or emails, I'm generally a quick responder, even if it's just a "read receipt" type of response. In thinking about it, however, most delays involve situations where an acknowledgment doesn't seem sufficient and I get stuck trying to find the perfect, or at least most appropriate, thing to say. Unfortunately, wait too long and I'm likely to procrastinate more.

You make me realize I need to be better ESPECIALLY in those situations.

Finally, I'm reminded of a fragment of lyrics from the song Sister Golden Hair by America

"I've been one poor correspondent

And I've been too, too hard to find

But it doesn't mean you ain't been on my mind."

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May 5, 2023Liked by Ruth Kapelus

It must take so much time to respond to all of us internet randos. Almost makes you feel like two normal people having a conversation 😄

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May 3, 2023Liked by Ruth Kapelus

As a kid, all my pen pal relationships were pretty one-sided. I'd write regular missives that were rarely responded to. Technology didn't change that; most of the same people (whom I adore!) still don't respond to my newsy updates in a satisfying way, if at all. While this still annoys me, I'm coming into acceptance about it. I figure it's not about me, that my notes are probably enjoyed and appreciated, but responding in kind just isn't part of the deal; if I don't like how I feel when that happens, it's on me to not set myself up for it. I feel less guilty when I miss a response than I used to, which I fear is an unfortunate decline in my personal civility. Thank the white rabbit for the emoji response.

Maybe this is why I like you so much! I see your engagement with your circle and it is lovely!

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I love this and I completely sympathize with you on all counts.

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May 3, 2023Liked by Ruth Kapelus

We must be kindred spirits. Your thoughts match mine exactly. Thanks for writing this!

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May 3, 2023Liked by Ruth Kapelus

I think being ghosted is worse than a nasty message. You're right on the mark with this post.

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Beautiful and rife with humanity and insight as always. Thank you for writing this.

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